Since day one, there have always been two questions we ask every day. The first, how can we be better today than yesterday. We work on this all the time, it’s our mission, our goal. Be better today then you were yesterday, even if it’s so small, it still makes a difference. And over time no matter how small something is, day after day, if it gets just a little bit bigger, even if you can’t see it, one day you can’t help but notice. This is the journey we are on.
The second question — is any one going to show up today. When you first open a store and you unlock that door, you wonder is anyone going to come. That feeling for us, has never gone away, because we understand that you can never take this for granted. Our customers are the lifeline of our business and with out all of you, we would not survive. No matter how hard we work, or how hard we try to will something into existence, with out our customers, we have nothing.
We believe the combination and the consistency of these two questions are what sets us apart. With any journey there are ups and downs, challenges and triumphs but as long as you keep moving, you always have a chance. It’s been over 15 years for our journey and in a lot of ways, it only feels like it has just begun. We are excited to see where it brings all of us in the future and we thank you so very much for coming along.